Showing You How To Light Up From The Inside Out
Welcome, all of you fabulous lovelies. I am so excited you are here and privileged to walk with you in your journey of discovery and healing.
I am a therapist, a best-selling, award-winning author, and a podcaster.
Find out how I can help you begin to change your life positively right now.
I have just received the news that “Anxiety Hacks” has won first place winner in the Well Being Category of the Firebird Book Awards.
I am honored and proud to receive such an incredible award.
What is “Anxiety Hacks” about:
It is a conversational and life-changing book, where I teach you the techniques, tools, and tips taught to thousands of my anxiety clients. Taking you from being constantly riddled with explosive anxiety to immediately feeling as calm as possible.
Check out the book on Amazon go to Anxiety Hacks
Or to learn more about the book, go to the Anxiety Hacks page or continue reading…
A Little More About
Does your anxiety rise like a wild tiger and submerge you in fear?
Are you looking for easy strategies to help you overcome your explosive anxiety?
In my conversational and life-changing book, as an anxiety psychotherapist, I teach you step by step the techniques, tools, and tips taught to thousands of her anxiety clients.
You will learn how to:
• Take yourself from being completely overwhelmed by your anxiety to showing you easy ways you can learn to cope with your anxiety behaviors and instantly calm yourself, some in less than 90 seconds.
• Use the globally recognized and proven successful “C.A.L.M. Your Alarm” technique to reduce your anxiety instantly.
• Improve your life with the support of the FREE companion course containing downloadable worksheets and bonus videos of me demonstrating each powerful strategy revealed throughout the book.
Finally, overcome your anxiety with these empowering tools to unlock your anxiety to freedom.
Grab your copy now on Amazon here Anxiety Hacks.
Take a listen to find out more about how “Anxiety Hacks” can help you.
Discover rapid, powerful techniques to calm your anxiety in under 90 seconds with psychotherapist Kate Hudson-Hall’s life-changing guide, Anxiety Hacks.
Overcome negative thought patterns, build resilience, and find peace with proven tools you can use anytime, anywhere.
Anxiety Hacks equips you with an essential toolkit for tackling stress and anxiety—grab your copy and start your journey to a calmer mind today.
“ANXIETY HACKS is a comprehensive and approachable guide to managing anxiety issues and author Kate Hudson-Hudson-Hall’s warm, yet authoritative prose explains various techniques via clear instruction of the method and explanation of the theory behind it.” ~Kent Lane for IndieReader.
“Today is your future, yesterday is in your past”
— Kate Hudson-Hall
I wear plenty of hats!
I am a Therapist, Author, & Podcaster
The therapists hat…
I trained extensively in psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, and Neuro-Linguistic Programming and hold a diploma in Therapeutic Hypnosis and Psychotherapy (Dip.THP) and an Advanced Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma (Dip.AdvHYP).
I am also an eating disorder and anxiety therapist. After personally suffering 15 years of horrific anorexic and bulimic experiences, and now 25 years entirely free from both. Thanks to various therapist’s help, I decided that I would like to help others. With my multiple skills, I help my clients overcome their deepest darkest struggles either within their eating disorder or multiple other issues, completely.
The trainer hat…
I am a trainer of mindfulness, offering weekly online sessions to help you bring more calm, focus, and balance into your life. Mindfulness is a fantastic tool which teaches you to stay present in the moment, manage stress, and respond to challenges with greater clarity.
Here’s what you can expect:
Simple, effective practices that fit easily into your daily routine.
Tools to reduce stress and cultivate a sense of peace and resilience.
Weekly guidance to deepen your mindfulness journey in a supportive online setting.
To join our fun group pop me an email and express your interest and experience the benefits of mindful living!
The author hat…
With my best-selling, award-winning book “Anxiety Hacks” doing so well, I have also written two other books in the series:
Anxiety Hacks Workbook: Get practical with the Anxiety Hacks Workbook! It’s packed with exercises and tools to help you tackle anxiety, one step at a time.
Anxiety Hacks Journal: Reflect and release in the Anxiety Hacks Journal. Track your progress, set goals, and make calm a part of your daily routine.
Also I have written:
Bulimia Sucks!: 10 Simple Steps to Stop Bingeing & Purging. It is part memoir of my time with the ugly beast bulimia and the rest is my program that I teach to my eating disorders clients. With barrow loads of self help techniques to help begin breaking the negative habits and patterns.
Bulimia Sucks! Personal Workbook: It is an inspiring, motivational and practical exercise book for anyone with bulimia. This workbook is to be used either:
• In conjunction with the book, Bulimia Sucks! 10 Simple Steps to Stop Bingeing & Purging. It contains golden nugget bonus tables, exercises and learnings to work alongside the techniques within Bulimia Sucks!
• As a standalone powerful personal workbook.
Bulimia Sucks! Personal Food Journal: Giving you the guidance and inspiration to help in your recovery to overcome your eating disorder. Including:
3-monthh motivational goals
Easy-to-use food log
Food trigger tracker
Daily progress to success plan
Daily technique reminder
Coloring Books
I have also created four coloring books called:
Anxiety Relief
Bulimia Sucks!
Anorexia Sucks! and
Binge Eating Sucks!
Check them out here: Books Page
‘Helping you light up from the inside out’
The Bulimia Sucks! Podcast is a platform for people to share healthy conversations which are relatable, uplifting, and inspiring based on bulimia and anorexia, and other eating disorders. With real stories from people who are suffering or have suffered an eating disorder.
With over 35,000 downloads, and over 100 episodes which include their personal stories of where they are now, their difficult journeys, and steps taken into recovering from their eating disorder. Plus interviews with top experts in eating disorders sharing insightful information for people recovering from eating disorders. All in one podcast with my own brand of quirky brilliance! (Which is what someone once said about me!)
Check it out: Bulimia Sucks! Podcast
The Anxiety Hacks Podcast launched in 2022. Listen as I share practical and doable ways to manage your anxiety! This is a platform for people to share enlightening conversations which are relatable, uplifting and inspiring based on anxiety. With real stories from people who are suffering or have suffered from anxiety. Plus, interviews with top experts in anxiety sharing insightful, valuable information for people learning to change their struggling, anxious behaviors. All in one podcast with humourous entertainment along the way!
Check it out: Anxiety Hacks Podcast
The podcaster hat…
Are you looking for a gift for a loved one with anxiety?
Anxiety Relief Tips Available on Amazon

Hear what others think:
"Thank you for being so incredibly generous with your story and your knowledge. It's truly inspiring and functionally different than any program I have worked! After the last year I really needed to check myself, I felt so defeated I didn't know where to start and along came you! For your kindness, your experience, your bravery, I am forever grateful!" - LK

“The battle within you today is giving you the strength you will feel tomorrow.”